Matilda Bay Reserve is a thin strip of land covering 20.6 hectares between Hackett Drive and the Swan River. The reserve extends from Mounts Bay Road in the north to the windsurfing ramp in the south and encompasses Pelican Point, an important breeding sanctuary for international migratory birds.

The reserve's area is popular with a variety of visitors including students from The University of Western Australia, walkers, cyclists, swimmers, rowers and picnickers. The free electric barbecues are cleaned daily.

The stunning back drop of the Swan River, combined with sheltered nature of the Matilda Bay Reserve, make it a very popular site for social functions such as staff Christmas parties, birthdays and weddings. Bookings are necessary, you can check the availability of sites here.

If you wish to make a booking, please download the booking form here.


Approximately 20 bottlenose dolphins inhabit the Swan River and can occasionally be seen from Matilda Bay Reserve.

A variety of water birds can be seen at the reserve including pelicans, swans, ducks, terns, herons and cormorants.

We recognise and acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional custodians of Matilda Bay Reserve.


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